SnapGene is the world’s most popular molecular biology tool. Over 50,000 scientists in leading institutions and companies worldwide trust SnapGene to accelerate their research.

I just want to say that I LOVE SnapGene. It has dramatically altered the research that my lab does, giving us the confidence to take on difficult cloning with minimal effort!
D. Bryant
University of Glasgow
At Novozymes, we upgraded to SnapGene in 2016 when Vector NTI development and support was discontinued. Molecular biologists are excited about SnapGene due to the user friendliness – they can easily make cloning and primer design in silico, keep track of the history of a plasmid as well verify the nucleotide sequence by sequence alignment. Furthermore, we enjoy the interaction and responsiveness to our wishes for improvements from the SnapGene team.
Carsten Hjort
Senior Director – Novozymes A/S
I couldn’t be happier with SnapGene. My students get a little bit spoiled because it auto recognizes the most general things of a vector file like resistance genes, tags etc. which one normally has to put in manually, and many more things which make the program so good. I ordered a synthetic gene and the company which helped me also worked with SnapGene, which made working together really easy. Asking them about SnapGene they thought it’s a really beautiful piece of software which I agreed on.
D. Hasse
Uppsala University
SnapGene was our essential tool with information it provided and its simulation capabilities. With its help, we had the opportunity to spend more time for our experiments.
A. Celik
Turgut Ozal Medical School
We are extremely happy with SnapGene. When using the software, we and the students in the lab often make remarks like "this program is great" or "amazing". You have simply done a great job in designing this software and making it very intuitive to use.
H. de Jonge
University of Pavia
I don’t like SnapGene, I love SnapGene. It is the best tool I have ever used for cloning.
H. Yang
Nanjing Medical University
With SnapGene, cloning is no longer work, it’s a hobby. This is a must for everyone. I’m gonna teach my 2 yr old daughter how to use SnapGene. Pure awesome!
M. Redillas
Seoul National University
This application blows everything else past and present out of the water. You all did an AMAZING job making SnapGene powerful and intuitive, yet simple. Excellent work.
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
SnapGene gave the uOttawa iGEM Team the power to build, utilize, and analyze large DNA sequences. We were able to design primers with specific melting temperatures and GC contents. The automatic identification of restriction sites and reading frames greatly aided in identifying suitable sites for site-directed mutagenesis. Finally, full constructs composed of multiple genes were virtually constructed and used to plan and troubleshoot. SnapGene was absolutely essential to the success of the 2013 uOttawa iGEM Team.
W. Lam, President
University of Ottawa iGEM Team
This is exactly what I have been looking for since the old days of "command line" software! SnapGene is visually pleasing and great for teaching students. It has saved us a lot of time and helps avoid mistakes and data loss. Brilliant that it’s both Mac and PC compatible and supports import and export in several formats. The files can be used anywhere in the world via the "Viewer". Easy sequence alignments with such a helpful trace viewer. So many great features! Excellent online support. You won’t regret using this software!
S. Taylor
Manchester University, UK
SnapGene proved to be an indispensable tool for building plasmid maps of our various recombinant constructs to aid with the cloning process.
Swati Sureka
Cornell iGEM

SnapGene is the most versatile molecular biology software I have ever used. It has saved me countless time, money, and frustration. The software is incredibly user-friendly and has helped me build, organize, and maintain my plasmid libraries. SnapGene is now an integral part of all of my cloning projects, and I can’t imagine life without it!
R. Strack
Weill Cornell Medical College
I just stumbled onto this program a few days ago. I downloaded the free trial and found that this program has excellent features. Most of my in silico DNA manipulations are done in Clone Manager. This program clearly surpasses Clone Manager, in my opinion. One of my favorite features is the automatic plasmid annotation.
K. Skalenko
Rutgers University
I’m sold on SnapGene. It’s an incredibly elegant yet intuitive program and cloning without it is akin to going back to using dial-up internet.
I finally ‘settled’ on SnapGene while looking for an alternative to my beloved DNAman (which, while still useful, is very out of date). SnapGene is AMAZING. Designing cloning strategies is incredibly easy and so quick! The In-Fusion simulations have literally saved me days worth of time. The annotated vector database is really handy. Even better – it is constantly under development with new features arriving all the time. The maps also look fantastic. I am completely sold!
Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge
SnapGene is a most excellent and very intuitive software , and I keep discovering additional useful features. The attention to details is outstanding. I have tried MANY software packages over the years, from freeware to expensive ones like Vector NTI. None of them even comes close to SnapGene!
W. Rossoll
Emory University
SnapGene rounds up all the difficult, annoying and unruly aspects of cloning, gives them a stern talking to, and reintroduces them as pleasant and cooperative colleagues. With SnapGene, it takes only a few minutes to figure out which of a few hundred primers anneal with a template. Or to scan through a plasmid’s entire cloning history. Or to test which of five different strategies will give you the result you want. It is surprisingly user-friendly, and produces documentation that is visually appealing and easy to read.
D. Strickland
Postdoctoral Fellow
I absolutely love SnapGene Viewer. It has the most amazing UI I have ever used with any molecular biology software. The features for creating plasmid maps are awesome. I have more than 300 plasmids to keep track of, and with SnapGene Viewer I can create new plasmid maps in minutes. Now I can view/edit/catalogue/share my plasmid maps without having to pay thousands of dollars. What Vector NTI does for a huge cost, SnapGene Viewer does for free and does even better!
G. Agrawal
UC San Diego
SnapGene is so easy to use and beautiful that my lab adopted it instantly. It saves a lot of time and money because we now do all our cloning in SnapGene first and catch any snags in the strategy before they hold us up.
A. Matouschek
Northwestern University
SnapGene is awesome. It is straightforward enough to start using right away, yet rich with sophisticated features that cover all of my cloning needs. I use SnapGene to plan every project. SnapGene is also great for teaching people how to clone. The history feature (my favorite) keeps track of each step, and any construct I get from colleagues comes complete with details of how it was made. Without question, SnapGene has saved my coworkers and me time, effort and reagents. I recommend this software to anyone who clones DNA.
D. Strongin
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
SnapGene is the first software I have encountered that allows me to easily follow and control each step of in silico cloning. If you know how to clone at the bench you can use SnapGene right away. My favorite is the documentation of the entire cloning process, e.g., how you can access the original primers in final maps. Moreover, SnapGene is aesthetically very pleasing. I enjoy the pretty user interface and beautiful plasmid maps.
S. Rospert
University of Freiburg

I find using SnapGene to be a completely joyous experience – it’s visually clean and pleasant to use, it routinely does exactly what I hope/expect, and virtually all surprises during the learning process have been positive ones. Very impressive and a great productivity improvement.
D.A. Drummond
Assistant Professor
SnapGene is the most intuitive, easy to use cloning program I have ever been able to get my hands on. Using SnapGene, I can test out complicated cloning projects before ordering a single primer, and I can keep track of how I made my constructs long after I’ve forgotten the details myself. Simple enough for an undergraduate to quickly learn (and a great help in teaching them the principles of molecular biology), SnapGene allows me to clone easily and fearlessly.
D. Kraut
Villanova University
I think SnapGene is what everyone needs. It’s an easy and very useful DNA program. Since I started using SnapGene, I have come to enjoy cloning.
J. von Blume
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry Martinsried
I like SnapGene because of its very easy user interface and its ability to show the history of a cloning construct. My students can easily follow the step-by-step depiction of the cloning procedures that I assign to them. Integration of various cloning tips and strategies into the software also helps when making difficult constructs. SnapGene is an essential part of my lab.
D. Bhattacharyya
ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre Mumbai
SnapGene is user-friendly, multi-purpose software that we use for genomic analysis (even for whole chromosomes!), construct design, and cloning verification. It is perfect for starting undergraduates because its user interface is simple and easy to interpret, but is also powerful enough to manage and manipulate large sequences with integrated GenBank annotation. We use SnapGene daily in my laboratory and have been very happy with its performance.
E. Adams
Assistant Professor
SnapGene is a very complete, yet remarkably user-friendly application. Our entire lab adopted it without any reservations and it has proved to be the ideal tool for easy and thorough documentation of all the constructs we are routinely generating.
A.M. Alleaume
Centre for Genomic Regulation Barcelona
I have used SnapGene for the last year and I find it very helpful in highlighting enzyme sites, primer sites and ORFs. It easily outlines PCR and digest patterns. I have worked with DNA sequences for 28 of my 40 years as a research tech at the University of Utah and I think this is a very good program for general sequence analysis. I highly recommend it.
J. Macfarlane
Shaw Laboratory University of Utah
I love SnapGene and have totally switched to it from GCK. It is very intuitive and easy to work with. Each file contains full information about the DNA: history, primers, etc. Also, it gives you all the necessary information while designing a primer (Tm, GC content) so that you can immediately adjust it. The display of enzymes is very convenient and contains detailed information. Action options allow one to do virtual cloning and plan screening. Overall, it is the best software I’ve used so far–it saves a lot of time, making cloning much easier.
Y. Freyzon
Whitehead Institute, MIT
I’ve been a religious SnapGene user for the last few years. With its elegant and intuitive design, SnapGene greatly assists me in DNA cloning.
T. Inobe
University of Toyama
Just upgraded to the full SnapGene software and omg, why did we not get this earlier? Beautiful graphic interface especially for marking features and multiple sequence alignments. We went from old school manual alignment that took me several hours to do and now it takes me 10 minutes to align and confirm the consensus sequence. THANK YOU!!
S.R. Veazey
UT Health Science Center San Antonio

Discover the most user-friendly molecular biology experience.